Saturday, April 9, 2016

Loading gauges

Loading gauges:

30m long, 4.1m wide and 7m tall for the 1829mm gauge tracks.
33m long, 4.3m wide and 7m tall for the 1945mm gauge tracks.
36m long, 4.7m wide and 7m tall for the 2140mm gauge tracks.
40m long, 5.2m wide and 7m tall for the 2503mm gauge tracks.
50m long, 6m wide and 7m tall for the 3000mm gauge tracks.

Minimum platform lengths:

800m long for the 1829mm gauge railways.
1000m long for the 1945mm gauge railways.
600m long for the 2140mm gauge railways in Great Britain.
1067m long for the 2140mm gauge railways in other than Great Britain.
1200m long for the 2503mm gauge railways.
1600m long for the 3000mm gauge railways.

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